Tuesday, September 23, 2014

About Gurus

India has plenty of Gurus. India is famous and also notorious about Gurus. As soon some Guru becomes prominent, he/she is marked. People start digging for information about the Guru and try to slander him. Now even with all the gossips that come with a Guru, people follow him in crazy numbers. And I had always wondered why. They look so silly paying respects to someone with a shady reputation and who does fake magic tricks. But now I have come to an understanding that a Guru is not about being a perfect human himself but he helps you live your life better. Its kind of like teaching any other subject. Moreover, the paths to spirituality follows no rules. That is why Valmiki who was a robber became a saint who wrote the Ramayan. But as saint, did he rob? And do we care? If he robbed from you, yes you will. Because your Guru is supposed to make your life better not worse.

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